This photowalk began one July night post tennis match with Tyler and surprise evening downpour. It was one of those warm sleepy nights that called to us just because we had nothing better to do. I stepped outside with just my phone camera, finger at the ready on the shutter. I waded through the thick air, whose texture felt similar to the bread pudding we had enjoyed for dessert, to a few spots that had looked inviting earlier on in the day. But as soon as I jabbed the camera close, their subtle beauty faded and I couldn’t seem to coax it back out no matter the angle nor distance I shot from. The weak settings sun was failing to push through the weighted canopy of clouds, and as it was only getting darker and darker, we decided to turn for home. Maybe the walk back took on a quiet peace and grandeur of its own… I’ll let the pictures finish the story.

These photos are a reminder that there is beauty to be found in the everyday- beauty that you might not even notice until you stop looking. Sure, there isn’t much glitz and flanker here to gran your attention from miles away, but does there need to be? I believe that by giving yourself up to these often overlooked midsummer scenes, there is a slow, calm peace to be found. Follow the striking edges of tree branches, notice how the light and the absence of it tease each other across photos, and let your curiosity about the red-shirted protagonist (shout- out to my fabulous model Tyler!) run wild. You get to choose where these pictures begin and end.

Part of Summer Challenges.